
A dream is a beautiful and curious thing of wonder. It dances undeterred through minds and into hearts. It brings with it hope and promise. At the very nucleus of a dream are a plan and a purpose. A dream is meant to stir both. It is a promise of a future, but also the means for its fulfillment. All dreams are remnants of the greatest dream come true. They grow from the very same seed of life.

That seed was birthed before you were born. It happened one night in a small village. All of heaven fixed their gaze. The angelic choirs were primed to sing in jubilation. The hush was tangible. The wait had been long, nearly 500 years. The world had been holding its breath. The earth had been groaning. The silence had been difficult to endure. It was both wearisome and tiresome. The burden of such a quiet weighed heavy. But that night, the blanket was about to lift. All of creation was about to hear from heaven for the first time in centuries.

It was a most peculiar way of presenting such a dream come true. It was messier than one would have thought it would be. It was more complicated and yet somehow more simple. Although people were watching for it, it arrived quite unexpectedly. It came upon a midnight clear. The sky was readied for the announcement; the perfect backdrop. The angels, on their toes. The animals, present to be witnesses.

One would have thought such a dream come true would arrive with pomp and flair, but not this one. This one was too organic for such embellishments. This was too marvelous for manufactured significance. It was otherworldly. It was grass roots. It was the salt of the earth. It was all that and wrapped up in awe.

A star, shining more brightly than normal, became a spotlight in the sky for the main attraction. The dream come true took His first breath. He let out a cry that only new life could. He burst into the world and the seed of hope took root. Promise was activated.

There was no way for those present to know just how great He would be, just how good He would be. There was no way to wrap their minds around how perfect that moment was. All earthly measures of perfection fell short. There was no way for the world to really know the magnitude of what had come to earth. It was all too wonderful, too lofty for them to attain. It was too great to even contain. Those watching knew something heavenly had entered their world, but they didn’t know how completely it would change everything. As they looked into the eyes of their Savior, they didn’t know how deeply He would transform their hearts.

When He breathed His first breath in the land of the living, that exhale of life did not return void but was sent forth to accomplish all that was purposed. It bore fruit that the earth had never seen. It continued to advance and transform all it encountered. In Him was life and that life was the light of all mankind.

A scarlet thread of love and sacrifice connects that night to this night. That light still shines today. That breath still ignites hope today. That dream still lives today. He was our dream come true and continues to be.

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