My first born walked the stage on Sunday and graduated high school. Today is my anniversary. I am feeling a bit sentimental. It’s got me thinking a lot about thankfulness. Most all of my complaints in life are the flip side of a blessing. Most difficulties are even possible because there is something good attached. Loss is the flip side of loving well. Work is the result of things to steward. I’ve been pondering the flip sides the last couple of days.
I’m thankful for a home that is so full of living, loving, and giving that it’s busting at the seams. I’m thankful for a body that is strong enough to keep fighting its ailments. I’m thankful for cars that need repair because of all the places they take us. I’m thankful for the grass that grows so well that it needs constant tending. I’m thankful for my friendly neighborhood Ace and all of the comforts it can fix. I’m thankful for children that have a mind enough to be sassy. I’m thankful for parties to plan with all of their long to-do lists. I’m thankful for the people to celebrate. I’m thankful for the loose skin on my stomach that reminds me of the three girls I carried. I’m thankful for scars that tell the story of God’s rescue plan.
I’m thankful for history…for God’s handprint on all of it. I’m thankful for years of it. I’m thankful that His story didn’t start with me but long before I came to be…the evidence of it everywhere I look. I’m so very thankful this morning. I’m thankful for the memories that the years have made. I’m thankful for the way God loves…each blessing a reminder of it; a kiss from the Father. I pray that I don’t miss or dismiss His affection because I am complaining about the stewardship of His love.