
My prayer for my children isn’t fame or fortune but that they’d know Jesus. All the wonderful things in this world and all the not so wonderful things will one day fail. Jesus is the only one that won’t. When Chris and I met, we were both fractured and burdened. It took years of breaking free to get where we are, and there are some chains that are now broken but have left a mark that we’ll feel forever. We broke free, in part, so that our children could be free. So that they could go further, live fuller, and be more mature. We changed to honor Jesus but also so that our children could stand on our shoulders. They won’t carry the same baggage that we did, and I’m grateful for it, because of that they are starting the race in a better position. They will eventually lap us. I want them to. My prayer is that what didn’t come easily for us will come without effort for them. Where we fall short, they will stand taller. Where we lack, they will know more abundance.

Overcoming and parenting are both hard. Extremely hard. Both require letting go. Everything inside of a parent wants to protect and insulate, but if we’re not careful we can overdo that and keep our kids from living. We can be an obstacle in the way of what they are actually destined to do. We can keep them from maturity by holding on too tightly. I’d love to bottle my kids up, put them on the shelf, and enjoy them for the rest of my life. But God gave them to me to let them go. It started the moment they left my body. My job has been to teach them to fly.

My firstborn is moving into her first apartment today. I’ve been grieving this season for a long time, maybe even since she was born. Everything has changed. Everything inside me wants to hold on, but it would be selfish and short sighted if I did. She has much to learn, much to explore, and much to do. So, baby girl, fly, but know that mama will always be nearby if you need her. Even better still, know that your heavenly Father is even closer, and He’ll never let you go. He will hide you in His wings forever. He is the safest place to go. Go with God and fly. Fly higher than I ever dared. Go farther than my ability would take me. You were made to do hard things…so soar.

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