I heard a psychologist speak a couple of days ago. She was discussing joy and how she believed it to be the most difficult emotion to manage. First of all, I don’t believe that joy is like other emotions. Joy is a fruit of the spirit, but I get the point of what she was saying. I get it down in my bones. We often short change our joy for fear of what may come on the other side of it. We tell ourselves that because things are going so well, something bad must be coming. The psychologist spoke of a man that said he never let himself get too happy or too sad. He tried to stay in the middle so that he wouldn’t be disappointed. Yet, when his wife died, his efforts hadn’t done anything to insulate him from the pain. He said if he could go back, he’d embrace the joy more.
Isn’t this how a lot of us live? Never in the moment. Always afraid of what may or may not come around the corner. How much of life do we miss in that state? How much joy do we pass up on? Chris and I both have doctors watching areas in our bodies. We go in for regular checkups to monitor them. We could let ourselves be fearful of what the future could or could not hold, or we could choose joy in this moment.
Difficulty could knock at our door again…but not in this moment. Calamity could come…but not right now. Heartbreak could show up…but not this second. Bad reports are just rumors about tomorrow. I choose to live in the hope of today instead of the fear of what could maybe happen in the future. Today, I can be heard by everyone that matters to me. Today, we are cancer free. Today, my children are safe at school. I can rest in this moment knowing that God has tomorrow in His hands. Whatever comes, He will be our joy. He will take care of the rumors. He will take care of the reports. My worry won’t help Him do it, but my joy in this moment actually does help. It is an act of faith. Living in the moment is an act of faith. He is in this moment. Choosing to live in the moment is choosing to live in His presence. That’s where the real safety is. That’s where real joy is. Today is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.